The Art of Natural Dressage

On the topic of Epsom Salts
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Author:  Morgan [ Thu May 17, 2012 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  On the topic of Epsom Salts

Hi everyone,
I have been doing some reading and experimenting! I have long known about Epsom Salts (in fact i was born there at the general hospital in Epsom!) as many older folk when I was growing up would talk about it. As a child listening, it fell into the catergory of honey and lemon for a cold! As an adult it came again when I first started to learn about horses getting abcesses and Epsom Salts being used to "draw" the toxins.

Last week Morgan had an abcess and I really wanted to know how and why and what Epsom Salts did.
Well since reading, I have 3 of my family taking baths and I have to say it is amazing. All of us have experienced changes in the way we sleep (after two baths), I am certainly more relaxed and seem to have more energy and overall feel happier :D

I was shocked to learn that calcium uptake is seriously affected by low magnesium (and taking a vitamin pill with both is not guaranteed to solve it) but most of all the shear volume of things that go wrong in the body without this very necessary mineral....

Epsom salts are cheap to buy and drops of essential oil can be added as well to make you feel like you are having that spa treatment at home....lovely :thumright: They can be bought in bulk at the agri feed store.

Here are some articles if you are interested to read further:

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