The Art of Natural Dressage

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 5:20 pm 

Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2020 3:58 am
Posts: 10
Hi everyone! I have been reading posts and learning for a few months on here, and decided to join on my birthday (yesterday). I am currently doing the Parelli Natural Horsemanship Levels Program with my QH mare Mae West, and I’m doing a version of PNH with my newly adopted mustang mare, Skye. My main reason for joining is our mini donkey San Domingo (Sandy) who I have started some of the AND things with. I was previously using more +R training with him, working on tricks: he knows bow, smile, paw, shake hands, step up, rear, and is learning fetch. He loves to do tricks, and to be with me. We started with just being together, and now he follows me and comes up to me in the pasture, and walks trots and sometimes runs with me!
I don’t know how many of you are still posting on here, but I’d love to connect (and be able to ask questions :) )
Thank you!
Ellie and Sandy
(I’m not sure how to add a picture from my phone yet)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 5:51 pm 
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Hi Ellie, nice that you have joined us! :) Your donkey sounds great. Our neighbours had donkeys when I was a kid, and interacting with them was such a great experience, because they were super smart and knew exactly what they wanted.

I do not know how you can post pictures from your phone, because I do not have a smartphone. But here is a general explanation on how to post pictures.

The forum is not active anymore. We have a few people who are still reading, but at the moment I am the only one posting regular updates in the diary of my new Arab yearling Maymun. From December onwards, I will also be writing about my mini Shetland Jolie, who will join our herd next month. But if you have a question, just ask, and perhaps I can either answer it or direct you to places where the issue has been discussed in the past. :)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 3:26 am 

Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2020 3:58 am
Posts: 10
Hi Romy,
Thank you! He’s super cute and sweet, and Very smart!! He’s an LBE in Parelli Horsenality terms.

Thank you, I will try it out!
I will definitely follow your journey, and try to post my progress with Sandy!
Thank you, that would be awesome! I’ve done some searching in the different topics (before joining) but now I have a lot more to read about!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 3:42 pm 
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Joined: Thu Dec 04, 2014 3:19 am
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Hi Ellie! Welcome to AND! Even though it isn't very active anymore, it is still a wonderful resource. I still find things here that inspire and challenge me, and I know for a fact this forum is the reason I kept at liberty training (I had a bit of a bumpy start :roll: ) and why I am where I am today.

I wish you and your lovely horses and donkey all the best! Also, happy belated birthday!
:f: :f: :f:

PostPosted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 3:41 am 

Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2020 3:58 am
Posts: 10
Hi Rose!
Thank you! I’ve loved reading everything, I just wish I could absorb all of it faster!!
Thank you! I spent it just being with my two mares (it was cold and raining) but it was fun! :f:

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