I cant figure out how to post pictures into a topic. I hoped it would be as easy as copying and pasting, but that doesnt seem to work. I just dont have a clue how to do this. Help!
You first need to upload your picture to the internet so that it gets an internet address (for example
http://www.addressofyourpicture/X.jpg). You can do this by uploading the images to your own website, or to a photo-host like for example photobucket or other sites.
Then you press the 'post a new reply' or 'new topic' button, write your text and decide where you want that picture in your text. Now press the
Img button. You then see [ img ] (without the white spaces between the backets and the word). Place the address of your picture behind it and press the
Img* button, and it closes off with [ /img ].
The entire line for that picture then will become:
[ img ]http://www.addressofyourpicture/X.jpg[ /img ]
(without the white spaces between the brackets and the img's!)
Repeat the same for every other picture you want to embed in your post, and your pictures will become visible when you submit the post!
Posting pictures from flickr
As this has been causing trouble to many people in the past, here is an extra explanation.
If you post the URL that you see in the URL box on top of the page (URL of the HTML page) which looks like this
http://www.flickr.com/photos/piepony/49 ... otostream/
your picture will only be visible as an 'Image' box like this, when you put it in between the [img]

What you need instead is the URL of the picture, not of the HTML page. To find it out, click on the image with the right mouse key. Then you will have an option to choose a size. Do that and on the image you see afterwards, click the right mouse key again. Go to ‘Properties’ and copy the URL. It will look like this
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4074/497 ... 878032.jpg
and if you put it between the [img] things, it will be embedded in your post: