Hi I’m from Victoria Australia and have a lovely 13yo, 15.1h Anglo Arabian mare and we have been together since she was 6yo. I’ve spent most of my free time with her riding and groundwork wearing bitless bridle and a leather treed saddle. We have tried following methods of several different “gentle” trainers and taken on board many tools and tips to get where we are.
My first decision when we came together was that she should enjoy our adventures as much as possible and when it was obvious that she wasn’t then we would change the plan and find what she did like.
This included tack as well as our/my attempt to communicate my wishes. So as many of you have probably felt something didn’t feel right, she would be uncomfortable, nervous, reluctant, and so on and I wasn’t enjoying the fact that she was having a horrible time.
Anyhow to cut a long story short, I’m now on the path to exploring/teaching the natural dressage as your forum discusses at length. I’ve only done a sort of natural horsemanship style of handling but a little different by my own adaptations.
We started working according to the info on here and I have made minor progress but it’s more difficult than I’d first thought. She is not enthusiastic.
I will persevere in the hope that she finds some stimulation and decides to participate. If nothing in the next few occasions I will have to reread everything (for the 50th time)
to find what I’m missing. Wish me luck.