Yesterday Glen passed away.
I want to open this thread as a place to put our memories of her. She was such a special person, so strong and full of practical wisdom.
Glen Grobler wrote:

Yesterday I beat the Dragon, but today the Dragon is winning!

Never mind, roll on tomorrow!
I am forever thankful for having known her, and some of the things she has taught me will shape my life forever. For example, she always stressed to stay light if something goes wrong during the interaction with your horse,
and laugh. Having internalized this is helping me with every horse I am working with. Thank you, dear Glen!
Here are a few posts by her that I want to remember.
On the notion of equality (12th post on this page)
Making our own version of EsperantoPurposeShe will always be here with us. Or in her own words...
Glen Grobler wrote:
I have learned that many people get extremely disturbed when I speak of the dead as if they're still here, because according to them I'm morbid! But to me my dead are still here. I can close my eyes and hear them, see them, smell them. I can ask them things and "they" will answer. I regularly hear my Mom say "You clot! Why on earth did you do that?" for example. Every now and then I tell them things.