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 Post subject: Goodbye, Glen
PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:12 am 
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Yesterday Glen passed away. :f:

I want to open this thread as a place to put our memories of her. She was such a special person, so strong and full of practical wisdom.

Glen Grobler wrote:
:funny: Yesterday I beat the Dragon, but today the Dragon is winning! :sad: Never mind, roll on tomorrow!

I am forever thankful for having known her, and some of the things she has taught me will shape my life forever. For example, she always stressed to stay light if something goes wrong during the interaction with your horse, and laugh. Having internalized this is helping me with every horse I am working with. Thank you, dear Glen!

Here are a few posts by her that I want to remember.

On the notion of equality (12th post on this page)
Making our own version of Esperanto

She will always be here with us. Or in her own words...

Glen Grobler wrote:
I have learned that many people get extremely disturbed when I speak of the dead as if they're still here, because according to them I'm morbid! But to me my dead are still here. I can close my eyes and hear them, see them, smell them. I can ask them things and "they" will answer. I regularly hear my Mom say "You clot! Why on earth did you do that?" for example. Every now and then I tell them things.

:f: :f: :f: :f: :f: :f: :f: :f: :f: :f: :f: :f: :f: :f: :f: :f: :f: :f: :f: :f: :f: :f:

 Post subject: Re: Goodbye, Glen
PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:18 am 
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I have sadly never known glen but from reading her post on Esperanto , I wish I had . She sounded like a wise person. My condolences :f:

 Post subject: Re: Goodbye, Glen
PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:22 pm 
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My heartfelt sympathy for her loved ones. :f:

 Post subject: Re: Goodbye, Glen
PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:33 pm 
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That is so sad.
I am sure that what I perceive from all of the wonderful persons here in this place, I can only get a unsatisfactory glimpse, filtered through word and text. But I am also sure that especially here in this place and through the interactions with horses, I can see so many great things about them.
I believe that people live strongly in those fellow beings that have been touched by them. Glen in particular touched me as a very gentle and happy person. That's how I will remember her. :f:


The horse owes us nothing.

 Post subject: Re: Goodbye, Glen
PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:52 pm 
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Good bye, Glen

After all, this wonderful forum will pass on the wisdom, you shared here.

 Post subject: Re: Goodbye, Glen
PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:36 pm 
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thank you Romy for posting this beautiful remembrance of Glen. Hopefully she'll be looking at us with a smile while we continue our journey with the things in mind and heart she brought to this place. She'll be missed and felt and hopefully our guardian... my heart goes out to her and her loved ones.. thank you Glen, for being so wonderful! :l:


 Post subject: Re: Goodbye, Glen
PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:19 pm 

Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:58 pm
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It feels so right that you started this thread Romy as Glen spent hours here contributing to all our journeys. I was lucky enough to spend some time with her in April when she was still able to get around and be with the horses and we had an intense horse brain exchange for two weeks...our own private AND meeting! :-) I have a little piece of her farm (sugar cane) growing in my vegetable patch right now that puts a smile on my face every time I look out the kitchen window. I will miss her terribly as she was the kind of friend who was always ready to lend an ear and sound advice. :-(

Annette O'Sullivan

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. - John Lennon

 Post subject: Re: Goodbye, Glen
PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:58 pm 
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Oh that is sad :sad:

:f: It's lovely for this thread to be here though, to commemorate a special person.

 Post subject: Re: Goodbye, Glen
PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:25 am 
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With permission from Paul Grobler:

Glen’s memorial service will be held at 14h00 on Tuesday 25 February 2014.
The service will be held at the Anglican church in Mtunzini, with light refreshments in the church hall afterwards.
The church is situated at the corner of Hely Hutchins street and Hulley avenue.

Please do not send flowers. We would prefer that you send a denotation to CANSA for the wonderful work they do, and the amazing care they gave Glen in their Mkhuhla house in Durban during 2012.

Name of account: Cancer Association of South Africa
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch code: 02526
Account number: 0511 80 596

Tashricka Maharaj
Mkhuhla CANSA Care-Home Officer
Tel: +27 (0)31 205 9525


 Post subject: Re: Goodbye, Glen
PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:30 am 
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I was not able to reply here before. I tried several times, but it was to difficult.

I will suffice thus:

I love you
I miss you
but I hear you
and I'll see you
in the after life

Goose bumps tell me, you just touched me

Bye for now



 Post subject: Re: Goodbye, Glen
PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:20 am 
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Glen was such a wonderful person, when I first came to the forum and we got talking she send me a pack of Gekko's made out of beads, I took them to the AND meeting and shared them with other members. I kept one and it has been in our study ever since, I look at it a lot because it was such a nice gesture of her to send these to us. I don't know who has one of her Gekko's, but never forget that they are a gift from her.
Glen thank you for all the kind words and all the advice and lovely stories.
You are fantastic!


Horseriding is an art

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 Post subject: Re: Goodbye, Glen
PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:12 pm 
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By request of Glen's husband Paul





Thank you everyone for remembering this truly amazing person, which we all miss and whos many lives where touched by her positive presence. She will most certainly live on most in our work with our horses, as long as the basis for our work is love.


 Post subject: Re: Goodbye, Glen
PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:34 pm 
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I've been long away from the forum. I had no idea the world had lost such a light as Glen. I am in shock/sadness/disbelief/anger. Anger at the Universe for taking away another special soul when the world is so in need of lovely, giving souls.

Hugs across the bridge Glen. :sad:

"Ride reverently, as if each step is the axis on which the earth revolves"

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