The first-publication was originally placed in the scientific magazine
SPACE & TIME, issue 204, November 2016, available in German Languae at: ... virus.htmlResearches on Bornavirus
A virus that makes you depressedIn a healthy organism, viruses have no chance. But if the immune system is out of balance, the Bornavirus can become active - a virus that has accompanied us since the beginning of human history, and has often attacked horses in a plague-like manner. Recent studies suggest that borna-viruses in humans favor affective disorders such as depression. Our author, who has observed these relationships in horses, advocates spreading the knowledge about it so that it can be helped effectively in the event of a disease.
From Volker Gross, Oberreidenbach
The Report
In the case of Bornavirus, BDV (Borna Desease Virus) is an infectious agent in the brain, which in the veterinary field is referred to as the pathogen of the "Bornaschen disease" or in the human medicine with "Borna Desease Virus" (BDV).
Research results from international scientists have been available for years.
Nevertheless, BDV is largely unknown in both the human and veterinary fields, and is still not adequately addressed in diagnosis and therapy.
The BDV is an evolutionary, very old RNA virus that infects the brain and blood cells of humans as well as their ancestors (primates) and other mammals. The city of Borna in Saxony, where this infection resulted in epidemic illnesses with a death row in horses about 100 years ago - the horses of a whole cavalry regiment died.
Since the virus can be detected under natural conditions in different animal species (horse, sheep, cat, rabbit, rat, mouse, ostrich and also parrot and budgerigar as well as zoo animals), it must also be examined to what extent it can jump from the animal to humans . According to current findings, however, the virus can also be found in humans who had no contact with affected animals.
Recent studies and test runs indicate that the virus is found at a high percentage of people, about 30 percent. Detection of the virus does not have to mean triggering or developing a disease. However, a number of new international studies have shown the correlation between the occurrence of the virus and affective disorders and schizophrenia. The effects of BDV on mental health are still controversial because of the poor methodological and cross-country comparability.
Why the virus makes you sad
Bornavirus is found in the nervous system of humans, especially in the limbic system, a central brain area, in which emotions and behavior are controlled and shift the balance of brain messengers. The proteins of the virus are involved in the function of neuronal cells, which is of decisive importance for disease symptoms. This explains why emotional disturbances are often found in virus activation, and corresponding symptoms are associated with virus multiplication.
Animal experiments have shown that the bornavirus spreads over the axons of the nerve cells. After an attack of the olfactory bulb, the virus migrates centripetally into the brain (CNS), where it affects the ammonshorn (cerebral convolution in the brain) and the hypothalamic region. Disorders in the function of the network of different neurotransmitters provide an explanation for the psychiatric disorders of humans. The knowledge that Bornavirus-specific proteins as well as viral RNA in peripheral mononuclear cells could be detected, made it possible for a Berlin research group to obtain four isolates from white blood cells of psychiatrically ill humans. In Japan, for the first time, bornavirus was isolated from the brain of a patient suffering from schizophrenia (psychosis) and deceased. Remarkable is the correlation of the severity of affective disorders and acute depressive episodes, which has been discussed for years, with the level of the bornavirus markers (virus proteins and circulating immune complex) in the blood.
Recent studies have shown that every third person is infected, with approximately 30 per cent persistent infected people being expected, with 5 per cent of the total population (partly with serious suicide intentions) being hospitalized. Of the animals, horses are best examined and there is an infection rate of 60 percent.
The research results so far show the relationship between bornaviruses and the symptoms of the following diseases:
- Manic-depressive disorders, depression
- anxiety disorders, panic attacks
- Compulsive disruptions, such as washing, control, tidying up, etc.
- Chronic fatigue syndrome CFS / ME
- Ocular diseases that affect the nervous system
- Psychiatric disorders also associated with neurological abnormalities, such as depressive episodes in multiple sclerosis (MS)
- other psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia
If certain infectious hypotheses with bornavirus can be further confirmed in certain psychiatric disorders, this represents a paradigm shift in the consideration of the psychiatric patient. Phased affective disorders are, for example, so frequent that they affect at least five percent of the population as a lifetime. These diseases cause high suffering, require long hospital stays, cost lifetime, and lead to suicides untreated in 20 percent of cases. A high percentage of health costs are attributable to these patient care budgets.
Mixed Infections
Borreliosis, herpesviruses (EBV) and other viruses are often diagnosed in mixed infections. Therefore, there are problems with these individual pathogens especially in neurological symptoms. As a rule, so far, much has been subsumed under a neuroborreliosis, which is so wrong. In particular, in the case of psychiatric disorders, which can also be associated with neurological abnormalities, "footprints" of the bornavirus are found (specific immune complexes from parts of the virus, which are associated with body-specific defenses). In several studies, elevated Bornavirus markers have been found in humans and animals in allegedly suffering from borreliosis or bornavirus traces when suspected of borreliosis.
Therefore, in addition to the Borrelia, the following symptoms should be noted
Can also be searched for markers of Bornavirus infection:
Disorders of the serotonin metabolism with frequent irritation, panic attacks occurring for the first time in life, anxiety states, latent aggressiveness, tantrums with pronounced depressive mood fluctuations and emotional instability,
- Serious long-term sleep disorders with disturbance of sleep architecture (dysphagia, sleep disturbances, superficial, non-restful sleep) and nightmares (due to melatonin deficiency, a consequence of the disturbed tryptophan serotonin metabolism)
(ADHD), behavioral changes with social withdrawal, new schooling and irritation, conspicuous controversy against the siblings and aggressiveness,
- psychological disorders in adolescents and young people: Due to extensive experience, BDV should be tested in the case of depressed and possibly suicidal young people as well as in borderline and disorder (anorexia), swallowing, gait, and concentration disorders! See also the studies in young people by Prof. Scholbach and Dr. Bode Burnout if several of the symptoms listed here are included
- Thinking difficulties, reading difficulties, writing difficulties, word-finding disorders, forgetfulness and restricted short-term memory
- Sexual function disorders such as libido, erectile dysfunction
- psychoses, manic-depressive mood fluctuations, obsessional symptoms, irritability and aggressiveness with loss of control,
- In rare severe cases, there is also a connection with the clinical picture of an organic psychosyndrome with pseudo-dementia, orientation disorders and severe memory losses, but also delusions and hallucinations.
Diagnostic test
A new three-step test method has been available for a long time, which allows the detection of Bornavirus footprints. It has the great advantage that a distinction can be made between activated and rather dormant, recurrent infections. In very low-lying chronic infections, the test can be negative. In this case, the "self-help group Bornavirus infection" ( recommends, for example, new bioenergetic test methods. The new tests, based on ELISA methodology, offer comprehensive diagnostics, ranging from infection through virus activity profiles to the control of patients' antiviral (amantadine) therapy. They also enable risk assessment in subclinical infections using a simple blood test.
Activity markers are BDV-specific proteins (antigens) and circulating immune complexes (CIC). The conclusive classification of the bornavirus as a moderately pathogenic agent in analogy to other persistent viruses with relatively high penetration (for example cytomegalovirus) was made possible by the identification of circulating immune complexes, which arise as a result of antigenemia phases. The test is currently being carried out at the Diamedis laboratory in Bielefeld.
(Note: In the market there are also immunofluorescence tests for the detection of Bornavirus antibodies. In addition to the fact of supplying false-positive data, they are of no value for the assessment of current disease events.)
In the case of positive laboratory findings, the Bornavirus infection can be successfully treated with the antiviral preparation Amantadine. Before treatment, however, it should be clarified whether a mixed infection with borrelia is present. Amantadine interferes with the growth of bornavirus, usually without side effects. Amantadine can be used by the doctors in off-label use. This medicine, approved for Parkinson's disease (here in far higher doses) and for influenza infection, has proved to be ineffective for decades.
If the horse is Bornaträger according to the laboratory test, but is not in a thrust, can be treated as an alternative. The approach is then to change the resonance behavior of the organism by strengthening the immune system and optimizing the milieu so that the Bornavirus is no longer comfortable and retreats. Natural and mental procedures can be used.
According to the experiences of the self-help group Bornaviren, an accompanying holistic treatment of the immune system and above all of the psyche with alternative procedures, for example Bioresonance or Emotional Freedom Techniques, can be sensible.
In the veterinary practice of the author, amantadine is used under veterinarian supervision in horses only in acute (!) Bornashübungen. In the case of chronically infected "Borna horses", which are not present in the acute thrust, however, analysis and treatment by the bipolar bioresonance test (BBT) are carried out according to Melischko. In this case, the resonance capability and the mesenchymal milieu of the animal for the respective "exciter" must be altered in such a way that the latter has to migrate ". The success rate with this alternative treatment in horses is based on the fine-particle analyzes in the range of about 80 percent and more.
Whether such an approach should also be possible or "desired" in the field of human healing should be examined for the benefit of the people concerned.
Glutamate Explanation Model
The neurons in the neuron network of the human and animal nervous system are connected by numerous excitation sites, the synapses. This excitation transmission at the synapses occurs by the release of specific chemical substances, so-called neurotransmitters. The normal, healthy function of the nervous system is ensured by a neurotransmitter balance.
If there is a shift, there are various disturbances that affect movement, coordination, learning, memory, behavior and emotionality. The neurotropic viruses and, above all, their structural elements can bind to these excitation sites (synapses) and cause functional disturbances in the neural network. It is assumed that proteins of the bornaviruses compete with the messenger glutamate around the docking points at the nerve cells, that it is here a competitive inhibition. The model for pathogenesis assumes that the viral components (proteins) cause a reversible disturbance or modulation of the neurotransmitter function directly via receptor blockade or indirectly. Prof. Gosztonyi (Charité Berlin) showed that the agent has a preferred affinity for excitatory, so-called glutamate neural system systems, whereas the inhibitory (so-called GABA-ergent nerve cell systems) remain intact. This shift in balance between arousal and inhibition manifests itself in a behavior in which the symptoms are very similar to those of human depression. Since a chronic Bornavirus infection is detectable in the majority of human patients with depression, it can be assumed that the displacement of glutamaterger systems plays an important role in humans in the development of depression.
The pathogenetic model is also consistent with the results of human research presented in research, which in turn support the involvement of the Bornavirus infection in phase-affected affective psychoses. The course of these important diseases (former term "endogenous depression" and "manic-depressive psychosis") is typically characterized by an alternation of symptomatic and symptom-free phases and is therefore more compatible with a functional disorder than structural damage to nerve cells. A wealth of data from biological-psychiatric research supports today's view, according to which discreet changes of the neurotransmitter equilibrium in the limbic system manifest clinically as depression and mania. In acute depressive patients - in analogy to animals - proteins (CICs) were found in the blood antigen and antibody. Viral RNA was isolated, infectious virus was isolated from blood cells, virus proteins were detected in the CSF, and an antidepressant effect was observed with antiviral treatment (see Habilitationscript by PD Dr. Liv Bode, Freie Universität Berlin)
Infection pathways, transmission, vectors
Animals and humans are infectiously discussed; As well as whether and how humans can possibly infect the animal or vice versa. Exact data on this is not available, because it is not researched. However, there are currently 10 years of experience in self-help groups such as the Bornavirus network.
Strikingly many owners of BDV-positive horses or other animals from the group of Bornavirus bearers report similar symptoms as are known in the animal. Often they have found that they are positive themselves and often their relatives. There are further empirical values that treatment is only successful in the long run if both - humans and animals are treated.
Experiences in the animal population show that the bornavirus is contagious, but significantly less than comparatively herpes or influenza viruses. It is also conceivable that immunocompromised individuals are more likely to be infected than healthy ones. One of the most important risk factors that promote the activation of "sleeping" bornaviruses by weakening the immune system is negative emotional stress (for example loss of partner, injuries, overwork). The longer negative stress persists, the greater the risk that viral activation occurs and specific proteins are formed in the surplus.
These are presumably due to the misregulation of the messenger substances (derived from animal-experimental data) and enter the blood plasma in the body where they give rise to the formation of antibodies with subsequent formation of specific circulating immune complexes (BDV-CIC).
Infection over blood
A controversial question is whether the virus can be transmitted via the blood and by drugs that are made using blood - possibly including vaccines. As early as 2001, this issue was raised in the specialist press (for example, in RPOnline- News / Wissenschaft / 2001-0627 Beitrag Tiervirus - from specialist magazine "Molecular Psychiatry"). This connection has to be clarified further - in the context of the widespread blood transfusion practice.
Infection on the Riechnerv
In laboratory experiments, both the droplet infection through the nose and the injection of the virus into the brain were successful. Bornavirus is known to spread over nerve fibers (axons). The virus arrives directly into the limbic system (preferably into the Ammonshorn) via the entry port of the olfactory bulb. Here it multiplies in the most diverse layers of neurons. This can be demonstrated by the stained virus-specific proteins with immunohistological sections. From here, borage-virus material migrates centrifugally into the periphery, again via the nerve fibers. For example, it passes into the optic nerve (optic nerve) and thus into the retina via the optic chiasm (anatomical term for the optic nerve junction). It is known from experimental studies in rabbits, rats and rhesus monkeys that the Bornavirus causes nerve damage in the retina.
Infection by saliva, urine etc. Virus-specific RNA was detected in secretions such as saliva and urine. It is therefore conceivable that animals and humans can also infect themselves via this path. Contaminated foods or water do not play a role in epidemiological processes. For the horse however the transmission of the virus was suspected over drinking water in the bucket.
The hereditary transmission of the virus
According to the Friedrich-Löffler-Institut (on the island of Riems) and the Bornavirus working group in Berlin, a hereditary transmission of the virus (mother-child, mare foals) is to be accepted.
Elham Mazaheri-Tehrani, Nader Maghsoudi et al .: "Borna disease virus (BDV) infection in psychiatric patients and healthy controls in Iran." Virology Journal 2014, 11: 161-269
Xia Liu PhD, and Liv Bode PhD, among others: "Health care professionals at risk of infection with Borna disease virus - evidence" from a large hospital in Chongqing, China, Articles / PMC4357222 /
Researchers on the topic:
Liv Bode (Dr.rer.nat.), Priv. Department of Virology and Infectiology,
Robert-Koch-Institut, Berlin
Hanns Ludwig, (, PhD), Professor of Virology at the Freie Universität Berlin
(Bode and Ludwig are guest professors of Chongqing Medical University, China)
Georg Gosztonyi (Ph.D., Ph.D.), Professor of Neuropathology at the Freie Universität Berlin
(Dr.h.c. of the Semmelweis University of Budapest)
Volker Gross:
In private practice since around 2001
Veterinary: Commissioned for international BBT-Training
Training and practical work as : Naturopathic-Practioner , Accupunctural Therapist for horses
Human : Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) , Matrix-ReImprinting-Practioner, SILVA Mind-Advanced ,
Consultant Addiction Prevention (German Armed Forces)
Praxis für energetische Verfahren (human / veterinär) / Institute for Energetic Treatment (human / veterinary )
Inhaber / Founder : Volker Gross
Anschrift / Address : Auf der Acht 5, 55758 Oberreidenbach GERMANY
Tierheilpraktiker / Alternative Veterinary Healing Practitioner
Anerkannter Heiler im Dachverband Geistiges Heilen (DGH) / Accredited Healer in German Roof Organisation for Mental Healing (DGH)
Phone : +49 6788 8932222
Fax : +49 6788 8932221
mobile : +49 152 33741837
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